Thread: Starter gun?
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Old July 15th, 2010, 12:10   #6
Short Round
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Location: SkyDome
AV takes a week or so, depends on the Admins. Just wait, I find it hilarious how some many people want to get into arisoft so quickly when they haven't even bothed searching about a decent gun to get.

I know many people who have been on ASC for over 2 years now without buying a single gun or attending a game till recent, me being one of those people.

Have the thinking that your price range will have $300 or more for a "decent - good" gun. Thats a good starting point.

If you plan on playing in Civis now all the time, maybe re think this again, most players are not fond on civi load clothed players unless it is mislisms or a game with civilians or PMC.

A camo BDU loadout with vest may cost you up to another $200-$300 smackers including a vest, pant and jacket, and assorted pouches.

After all this you can start saving up for sights, scopes, more mags, upgrades, ETC.

The point I'm getting at is don't get into airsoft unless your willing to spend the money.
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