Originally Posted by Red Engi
you are going to want to get a exo-skeleton if you want to make it to the wish granter XP jks. what type of STALKER are you going for? bandits being the easiest and imo monolith or duty being hardest.
I'm going for what's essentially a Loner. The uniform itself so far consists of:
Russian Mountaineering Suit (Top)
OD Cargo Pants
Russian GP-5 Gas Mask
Russian Infantry Boots
Black Star Backpack
So, basically, it's going to be a Loner loadout, but with some modifications, like the picture in the OP.
Here's what I've got for guns ATM:
Dboys AKS-74 (I'll be wrapping a tourniquet around the stock, someone said I should add a bayonet, but the problem with that is the obvious safety issues :/)
A&K Dragunov
Any suggestions/advice for this current loadout?
EDIT: After I finish this loadout, I'd like to make a Master Bandit loadout by picking up a black longcoat, a
Hwasan Double Barrel Shotgun, and a
Army L85A1.