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Old July 10th, 2010, 12:21   #3
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Originally Posted by Skytorn View Post
F2000 signature optic (neither the JLS nor the G&G F2000s come with that sight, and what's the point of an F2000 without it?)
Well for one thing without that big, ugly sight you can mount smaller, more useful optics like an EO-Tech, or an ACOG. Seriously from what I've read the original F2000 sight is not worth the extra weight or the lack of modularity, hence why it hasn't made the transition to airsoft. Even the Police and Military forces that use them prefer the tactical model with a top rail.

Another thing... I hate doing the newbie bashing thing but alot of this can be found using the search function. If you want my recomondation for a starter gun, go with a mid-priced AK or AR-15 (such as an M4). Going for something exotic like the F2000 or TAR-21 is both difficult and frustrating, as finding them at a reasonable price will be tricky, not to mention finding parts. The AR and AK series on the other hand are popular, easy to find, and reasonably easy to maintain. I own both a G&G M4 and a Kraken AK and they're both decent for the price i got them at, just pray you don't get a lemon.
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