Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond
I'm not arguing anything; I can sell the gun to my friend for as much as I payed for it. The thought had occurred to me after I paid for the gun to check the regulations on importing airsoft guns from the US to Canada, and came to this website. Instead of friendly advice, I received snide remarks implying me to be stupid, something I very much doubt I am.
uh, no. you were given the ANSWER'S you did not want to hear and got sand in your vag about it.
if you're so smart to correct brian why the fuck did you ask in the first place?
if your so sure that you are correct and what the criminal code of Canada, this forum, Brian and many of it's other user's are saying is bullshit and you by yourself are correct. by all means have your bud ship it to you.
there's no worries cause YOU'RE right! were all morons here don't listen to us we know nothing compared to your infinite knowledge on importing airsoft guns....