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Old July 4th, 2010, 18:32   #67
GMoney's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia
GMoney is very addicted to the sport of Airsofting. Although I have had to chill out on the airsoft spending for awhile due to the fact I'm now buying a car, but I do have to admit that, I do like to grab one of two of my guns depending on what kind of mood i'm in, I like to set up a few targets in my basement and pop off a few rounds.
My new current favorite gun is the M-249 SAW I bought off of Ebay, and although it is only just a springer gun, it is still absolutely beautiful, I have and always will be addicted to the SAW and when I saw it on Ebay, YOINK!

She is an absolute beauty and I love holding her...

Here she is...

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