Originally Posted by Scarecrow
I do recommend people go for the mealplan and stay overnight, it will be a really good social event as well.
Incidently, we have just secured the domains asucanada.com and .org. Look for a redirect shortly, right now it redirects but its the default redirect with a stoopid adbar on the bottom. I am sure Blackthorne will fix that shortly.
BOTH freaking awsome, haha ASC sleepover :P
Awsome idea though, participants would be able to talk about their stuff and what they learned through the night, it'd be a kick! I'm deffinatly in for a full weekend at a point where I'm able to attend (Damn work ...... but it pays for stuff like this)
As for the sleep bit, this scene came to mind right off the bat
YouTube- Full Metal Jacket - Rifleman's Creed