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Old June 9th, 2010, 16:15   #60
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Maturity only factors into the equation slightly. Ive seen people over the age of 18 act like children. Maturity is easily trumped by legality as a minor cannot held responsible for their actions the same way that someone who is the age of majority can.

+1 We run youth days at our field and birthday parties and we have had more irresponsible 'adults' in the last year of operations than we have had 'kids'. To be honest the 'I'm 18 so I am responsible' claim is bullshit- age doesnt factor in but maturity sure as hell does. However the kids all have parents who have signed waivers so in our case there is an adult behind the childs behaviour. The long and short for us is that people are judged on their own merits and though no under 18s have earned bannings we have started banning 'bad' adults this year..
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