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Old June 9th, 2010, 13:18   #58
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Toronto
Hmm, I think that there shoud be some sort of test/psychological assesment that the recipient of said product should take before being able to handle said "model" because not every 14 year old is immature. Most, maybe say 85% are but there is still the maybe 15% that aren't. Like what if some people have grown up around airsoft guns and know how to appropriately use them, for example, my friend who's 13, is from HK and he's played around with these all his life. He would definitely not use these things for drive bys and neither would I for one. Isn't this more of a matter of maturity rather than age, or at least proper knowledge of the laws regarding airsoft. Like before, I used to own a shitsoft gun and my friend owned an Aftermath Broxa (also a piece of shit I hear), and I played with him on the streets twice cause he told me it was legal. Then, I found ASC, then found out that I actually did something that was highly illegal, and now I don't do that anymore. btw, Since I did that, I'd like to say I'm sorry for possibly bringing harm to the overall image of airsoft in Canada.

In conclusion, I'd just like to say that it's a matter of law, knowledge, and discipline, instead of age which says who is a responsible airsofter or not.

Last edited by Juke16; June 9th, 2010 at 13:21.. Reason: Accidently posted
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