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Old June 4th, 2010, 17:11   #60
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Fredericton NB

I don't want to see anyone get scammed cause the more it happens the harder it is for the rest of us. I think the police should be contacted by everyone involved and it should be handled by them so that the person responsible is caught.

As for Bonesy on ANB, we've never had a problem along these lines with him or any member for that matter and so until someone is able to show me a confirmation email that says that they sent money to bonesy/Ddelz email, then we will allow him to continue to be a part of our community.

I really am sorry for everyone involved, if I had 100 guns I'd ship you each five.

If any other info comes my way I'm be sure to send it to the right people.
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