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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:52   #50
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Bones/Ddlez, if you really have been hacked/rootkitted I suggest you help out by contacting your local cyber crimes unit or something as well as issuing a fraud alert to credit reporting agencies and such (just in case it really was a rootkit and other financial details have been stolen).

Then the admins on this site should probably look at logsfor irregular activity from Ddlez's account. Ie. if he was posting from one IP then when he started to login from a proxy/vpn to figure out around when the account was compromised.

Members who have possibly been scammed should check where they've been sending their money to. Contacting RCMP/local police department for their cyber crime and/or financial fraud unit for assistance. Try to see the details of where the money was being sent to, if it was a confirmed PP address then you should be able to see who it is, otherwise if it was unconfirmed you may be SOL here (since a fake address could have been used). As for EMT, it should be linked to an account at the bank and although they probably can't release it to you they should be able to release it to the police/financial fraud.
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