Sorry to res erect a dead threat but I didn't know where to post this and it really pissed me off. So I was on our local site recently hadn't been on for a while due to work and noticed something that really pissed me off and I need to vent. This is to 6CBG personal, Just wondering what gives you the right to wear maroon berets? I understand that you have many current serving members of the forces and many former airborne that's cool but why the f**k are you wearing maroon berets. I have to earn my maroon beret what did you do for yours? I know how much the maroon beret means to the guy in my unit that wear it and I don't think they would appriciate a whole bunch of fat useless civies wearing them with airborne tshirts. I'm all for airsim and trying to be as tacticool as possible without doing the real thing but there are things that are to much and you have crossed the line. If you wanna wear the maroon beret join the military come out to 3VP A Coy and become a paratrooper. I'm working towards getting mine but its nice to know civies can just go out and buy what I have to earn and sacrifice for. This just really pissed me off and wanted to see what others think about it.