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Old May 24th, 2010, 02:33   #356
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Richmond, BC
Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
If it fires bursts occasionally, and that you have only messed with the leaf spring, try bending the middle spring forward (towards muzzle). This will put more pressure on the sear so it won't disengage the hammer so easily.
Ah... perhaps when I was bending the left? the right? prong back to back off the disconnector slippage a bit... that affected the middle prong's tension on the sear. Oh well. Time to crack 'er open and take a look-see (finally).

Thanks. Just realized that this is the Race Gun Thread, not the Hi-Capa FAQ thread, lol. No wonder why I couldn't find any information pertaining to this when I was flipping through the pages...
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