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Old May 20th, 2010, 16:07   #343
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Location: Richmond, BC
Yup, that makes sense - not just to ILLusion, but from all the information that's been spoon fed to me in this thread. Hehe, chances are that I'll end up building another Hi-Capa at some point in the future just so that I can try out a frame-mounted optic.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
...You just pick one and stick with it. It's an emotional decision, generally... not much logic behind it, unless you're such an old shooter that you just CAN'T adapt to a new and drastic shooting pattern. I doubt you're that old, though.

In airsoft, the decision is usually based on how sweeeeeeeeet it'll look once built. ...
Emotional decision? I'm pretty good at those, lol. And yes - I was definitely starting to get the feeling that it's just a matter of picking one based on what it looks like.
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