Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom
My ASS hammer/sear set, disconnector set and leaf spring just arrived. Did you guys make any modification to them? Because after I assembled everything the trigger pull actually got tighter. I notice that the middle leaf isn't even touching the sear when it's cocked. So there's too much friction between sear and hammer?
Sometimes modification is required. The manufacturing of the hooks isn't always consistent, because it's so small and sharp. It's done via CNC wire cut EDM, and depending on the wear on the tool, it may not cut it to spec.
A fine file can take the edge off, followed up with an emery cloth to polish it to an ultra smooth finish can make for a very smooth and light pull. Trigger pull length can also be adjusted here by shortening the hooks.
Warning: DO NOT modify the hooks if you don't know what you're doing. If you are careless and create a negative angle, you can potentially create an unsafe weapon that is capable of AD's (Accidental Discharges.)
The AS light weight sear spring is designed to be modified by bending. The sear prong should always be contacting the sear.