Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby
If a "gangsta" is gonna get a gun, they're gonna get it. They're not going to build one. That's dumb shit right there.
Originally Posted by allblackguns
With over 12 MILLION AR -15's alone in private hands in the U.S. why bother making your own, simply go to a gun show in about 30 states where you can by a long gun without ANY registration at all.
This. Like seriously it's not like anyone is going to build a gun when it's cheaper, easier and more reliable to BUY a REAL one instead of converting a TOY thats going to last less then one mag(most likely). T7 has the best post in this thread that makes more sense then any shit that fox pushes...
Fear mongering.
Extremely high mercury content in the water.
Five generations of inbreeding