Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith
+1, they should permanetly paint them bright green or something, and all you mentionned above is awsome! :P
BUT IMO,this is a first step to the total legalisation of airsoft in Canada.... its not a good step, but still a new step for the airsoft community....
No it ain't, its a marketing ploy by a greedy business that doesn't care about responsible ownership and use of airsoft, nothing more.
AND fuck having -18 games, wtf is this? I will not be at these games, airsoft's only hope? as if it is dying? AIRSOFT ISN'T DYING guys, I don't know who told you it was and that we needed new kids to come and save it, but it isn't
Children need to learn to fucking wait their turn to enjoy ADULT activities is all, I don't care how responsible they say they are or WE. I am a grown ass man playing soldier in the bush, that's bad enough without having some little fucking kidiots around me, it really takes away from the experience.