Originally Posted by ponyone
this is no different form what happend to paintball with young gunz witch is a turnament grade of players under 16, this will hopefully do the same for airsoft that it did for paintball, I think that IF AND ONLY IF the age varified players mentor and help usher in a new age of player, this is airsofts only hope, this is not a new thing look at england were airsoft is SO much larger they still have those lime green coloured guns, There is a solution if somone under 18 gets one of thease, they should not be able to paint it, if they paint it they cant use it policy should be upheld by the game hosts. and iam sure they will have to run seperate under 18 restricted games anywase but same should apply, the field owners should not let them play if there guns are painted... other than that, this could be such a great move for the sport, getting parents and youths alike involved and on board, lets not all jump to crush progress yet is all iam getting at. 
+1, they should permanetly paint them bright green or something, and all you mentionned above is awsome! :P
BUT IMO,this is a first step to the total legalisation of airsoft in Canada.... its not a good step, but still a new step for the airsoft community....