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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:27   #339
Skladfin's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Havent had a problem with CP till now.

Recent WGC order, I live in Burnaby, a city neighbouring New West Minster.

How they can mistake Burnaby for New West Minster? I don't fucking know

I called in and asked if I could just tell them the correct address on the spot. Then they said I couldn't do that because they have no way of contacting whomever is in charge of that redirection(which I call a serious BS).

She went on to tell me that if the redirection team can't find my correct address, they would send it back to HK. So I told her "You would send it back to HK even if you're SPEAKING with the right guy willing to tell you the address?"

fuck man, fuck.
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