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Old May 10th, 2010, 13:25   #54
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
I've tried both the generic China/Oracom brand, and didn't like them too much. The quality wasn't great, dot was blurry, and the body colour wasn't accurate (for the grey.)

The RD Dynamics version is much better... very crisp dot, clean optics. Body construction was top notch and hard to define from the real steel CMore. This version does not have the CMore logo, which the other China brands do. On the flip side, the RD Dynamics version also comes with a anti-glare shield. It's not real steel spec, though - will only fit the RD Dynamics version. All controls (windage & elevation) work just fine. Much easier than the generic China clones.

Parallax is on par with the real steel.
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