Thread: 3 M4 on my mind
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Old May 10th, 2010, 04:55   #11
VooDooPeteK's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Thorold, Ont
So you want to plink in your basement....

How big is your basement?

You might be better off getting a pistol to plink with as the M4's might be a bit big to plink in a basement with. Don't get me wrong I shoot mine in the basement all the time just saying if this is going to be its main use a pistol might be more of a challenge depending on the size of your basement

Back on track though lol

I have a G&G M4 (gr16 I think they call it) and its a good gun for the price (mine is a cansoft version), if I am not mistaken the VA's from toronto airsoft are rebranded Jg's so you can compare the VA to a JG
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