Originally Posted by The Saint
Making a honesty and clear distinction is therefore a legitimate move by the businesses involved, whether one likes the term or not.
Dude, I get it from a Retailer's perspective. I really do.
But this whole new "Canadian Legal" "Culture" is what sets me off. Know what it reminds me of? "Mac-tards."
The EXACT same Marketing strategy is used by Mac, and while they are free to market their products in whatever ways they wish, IMO its underhanded and sneaky to brainwash new people who dont know better to scare em off FMU or Full Black guns.
The tone in which the op says "I'm looking for only Canadian legal airsoft", to me sounds like the Cansoft Marketing machine got to him first and I have doubts that the price isnt the main reason hes turned off FMU or Full Black Guns.
Its ultimately the buyer's decision on what he wants to get. I just want to be sure the people make these descisions using the proper info and not some cleverly designed marketing strategy made to pull people away. Cansoft is just ONE niche of the Market. It is not the ONLY option.
Mac does this for uninformed users, and enough of them have sprung up going around bashing "PC's" using misinformation or even know what the hell they are talking about. That being said, I have no problem with Macs, just like I have no problem with Cansoft Guns. But ill be Damned If i let the whole "Im a Mac, I dont get Viruses" Bullshit happen here.
Edit : Prune it if you wish, but you cant deny where Im comming from and the point being made. And I know while many of you are keeping quiet, I know in your gut you feel the same damn feeling I am towards this type of marketing. Pus, you may accuse me of stirring the pot and you may be right, but as far as Im concerned, ive seen more than my share of people who had no idea that black guns and FMU guns are not illegal to own. "Canadian Legal" is a horrible, misleading term and its like a slap in the face everytime I hear it being used in the wrong way.
Think about it. You join the sport, know nothing about airsoft but all you see is "Canadian Legal" banners flashing all over your face. The first thing they think is "Oh, Black guns and FMU guns are Illegal" I better go by a Cansoft "Canadian Legal" gun.
Take it for what it is, but at least keep the lines black and white so that new users dont get confused.