Originally Posted by DarkAngel
You do know that "Canadian Legal" is just a marketing term right? It is not illegal to own full black/metal guns. Its just "Legal" for the retailers to import. What that means is that it makes no difference legally to the buyer for you to own a "Clear lower" or a FMU gun such as Classic Army.
ie. For the Buyer, telling them that a gun is "canadian legal" is total BS and misinformation.
Actually, Canadian legal is not just a marketing term. Selling prohibited devices is quite illegal (falls under trafficking arms in the Criminal Code), and buying them is not that stellar either (explicitly prohibited in the Firearms Act). Ownership is indeed legal, but acquiring is not.
Of course, individually are very unlikely to be prosecuted for buying airsoft guns that are classified as prohibited devices, but it's a very real danger for businesses to sell them (or be mistakened for selling them). Making a honesty and clear distinction is therefore a legitimate move by the businesses involved, whether one likes the term or not.