Thread: 3 M4 on my mind
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Old May 10th, 2010, 01:07   #3
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Is there a reason your looking for "Canadian Legal Guns"?

You do know that "Canadian Legal" is just a marketing term right? It is not illegal to own full black/metal guns. Its just "Legal" for the retailers to import. What that means is that it makes no difference legally to the buyer for you to own a "Clear lower" or a FMU gun such as Classic Army.

ie. For the Buyer, telling them that a gun is "canadian legal" is total BS and misinformation.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; May 10th, 2010 at 01:14..
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