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Old May 1st, 2010, 02:21   #33
a.k.a. cloaked
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Scarborough, ON
I think one of the reasons why prices in Canada are so high may be because retailers don't order a lot of stock to get wholesale discounts, therefore they need to sell it at a high price to make profit. Some retailers that do imports or custom orders also have high prices probably for the same reason, because they're ordering just one item for you and although they do batch orders because of multiple individuals, I think discounts only applies to a large quantity of the same item. It also doesn't help if they get their guns from another retailer, instead of warehouses or direct.

How many retailers actually do large wholesale orders? If they don't, then maybe they should do really large orders, so that each unit they buy is very cheap and then when they sell it (us in Canada), they can sell it maybe just a little more than US prices to be comparable.

I agree with the statement about demand and the number of retailers. It's comparable like clothing retailers. Eg. Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister vs Old Navy. There's like 1 Abercrombie & Fitch in Toronto, the next one is in Etobicoke, but that's it. The prices for these clothing is über high vs Old Navy, where there is many locations in Toronto and their clothing is pretty damn cheap. Some shop at A&F, but many shop at Old Navy due to easy access and inexpensive prices.

I'm just trying to analyze or understand the situation here, but I do really appreciate the retailers on here. If it weren't for you, many of us wouldn't have guns in the first place. Keep it up guys.

Last edited by Stealthee; May 1st, 2010 at 02:47..
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