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Old April 30th, 2010, 12:06   #8
* Age Verifier status suspended *
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
so your telling me a registered business ,canada wide ,importation license,40 yrs old own my own business plus hold other types of licenses. i have to drive 400 klms to be AGE VERIFIED . well maybe with the extra money $100.for gas ill shop other. . i guess i end this with thanks for the info ill skip the VERIFIED,? just wanted to keep my $money$ in the country,:salute:
Just because you have a registered business, does not mean your old enough to play airsoft. All you need to register a business is daddy's creditcard.

The internet is a wonderful thing. In this magical land, Everyone is 18+ and you can even make your facebook account, msn profile, twitter, myspace account show that you are.

If your not willing to get age verified, and your not willing to go out to games with verifiers, why are you even trying to retail these? What does that show for your commitment and interest to the airsoft community?

Getting pissy with us over age verification isnt going to help you, and IMO makes you look less legitemate as a retailer.
Airsoft in canada is a privilidge, not a right. Saying "If you dont want my money, ill go elsewhere" while flashing a wad of cash is not helping you at all.

Right now, the attitude youve displayed is making me suspect that you are in fact underage. As a verifier, Ive seen enough underage people act in similar fashion when confronted with AV.

Edit : If your planning on buying from outside of canada, Good luck. Obviously you know nothing about airsoft in canada. Running around saying you have an Importation License means nothing. I have an Importation license, and so do half the other gun docs on asc. It means nothing in terms of bringing restricted parts over the border. Do some damn homework before you get yourself in hot water with the CBSA.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; April 30th, 2010 at 13:09..
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