Originally Posted by terrorist one
Hello, I am new to airsoft. only been around for 1 year.
I have a G&G m4 cqb and its a good indoors gun but i want to get one for outdoors.
I have been looking into m-14, Scar or even thinking or a gbbr. I have been trying to read the ratings on many gun, but just cant grasp all of the companys.
I am willing to spend in the price rang of 600$
what would you guys recomande for a company and what kind of rifle.
(in country)
thank you for your time,
.................................................. ...........And if you dont wanna answer thats cool 2, but please dont post your comments if there not constructive.
It would make sense to get another M4 or a SCAR as they would use your existing magazines.
GBBR.. fun to shoot.. and can be made reliable.. but you need to ready to invest some time and $ .. you can get a WE clear receiver for around 450 .. but then you need mags .. a reasonable loadout of mags for outdoor is 10.. ( 300 rounds) and that will run you another 400 to 500 $
My recommendation is get a longer barreled M4 for outdoor to extend your accuracy for field use ..