.... It's up to the field owner in the end of whether or not they can play or not.
ie. You can't buy guns till you're 18+ here on the forums but you can always rent or otherwise when you're 16+. Hell I know that places like Laser Trek in Calgary have a 14+ rule (same as paintball IIRC and I believe that's because of safety concerns from the parent insurance company that stipulates things like this).
Other places might be 16+, and even others may be 18+ no exceptions and others 18+ unless with a reputable 18+ player taking care of you (ie. uncle/brother/dad/cousin playing alongside you).
ALSO NOTE that paintball fields aren't really supposed to be letting people play airsoft because it's not really stipulated in their insurance policy.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew