The green pouches are made by Pantac.The black one are the custom made one, by Tiger Tactical. My whole rig is made by Tiger Tactical, using my desings.
It's a CQB specific body armor that accept kevlar and rifle plates (SAPI). The main feature of this setup is that it's reversible to have both a black and OD rig.
The Pantac pouchs are not THAT great. They are too tall on the side, making mag changes hard and slow. I would have left more of the mags stick out under the closing flap. Maybe securing them with a little elastic on the side. My Black mag pouches, on the contrary, are not tall enough on the sides, allowing the mag to slip out of the pouch when crawling and twisting hard on the ground. But the main setup is designed for CQB where you are not supposed to crawl a lot.
I'd recommand going against bottom openning pouches for P90 mags. Unless you have a large dump pouch, wich is not very practical for this weapon systeme, you won't be able to rotate your empty mags back to the pouches.
I'm also not a big fan of angled P90 mag pouches. It take too much space on your rig and limite you severely on the amount of mags you can carry. On my rig, I have 4 on my chest. If I had double mag pouches, I'd be able to fit 8. But I wanted a low profile. Since running plates with thick mags on top make it hard to squeeze in tight spots.
Leg rigs are great for CQB, but not very fast. I used one as a last resort and it was OK with me. I prefer to keep my legs free to be more mobile. In CQB, mobility and agression is key. The P90 is not a very suitable weapon for CQB, since the mag changes are slow, so you better compensate somewhere.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
Last edited by FOX_111; April 26th, 2010 at 22:08..