+1 To what fox has to say.
My load for P90 is based on the German WW2 rigging for MP40. You can find pictures of the loadout on the net or on the WW2 section of ASC. I used these products:
45 Degree panel
Double Mag pouch
Shoulder Rig
+ a duty belt.
You are pretty much SOL for a complete vest solution. I did see a CHICOM style angled chest rig for P90 but it was for carrying mags only and it isn't modular.
I recommend you spend 10 dollars and buy ONE mag pouch for P90 from ebanned and try and figure out how you can mount the mag onto a molle rig so it works for you before you buy a pile of nylon you won't use. If you have a different body type you won't be able to do what Fox has done for drawing mags on his rig. Advantage of his rig is that he may be able to put empties back into his pouches. Pointing the mag pouch down means you may not be able pull the mag out if you are squatting or prone, and reinserting the mag is a bitch.
Drop legs seemed like a good idea but P90 mag is rather long.
Fox who made your pouches?
Pictured centre, P90 slung behind my back during pre game briefing.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory