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Old April 25th, 2010, 14:17   #1
teddybear's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
MEU Issue with Trigger Pulls

So i just picked up a new MEU a few wks back.

This past wk i got an upgraded spring set for it so i could run propane on it. I installed the hammer and recoil spring, but found the recoil was too heavy for it. So i put the stock recoil back on, left the upgraded hammer spring in.

I tried it out, and found that this was happening:
- pull trigger, bb shoots out, slide goes back, loads in a new bb. hammer is cocked, trigger is back at armed position
- pull trigger, and i hear a light "click", but no action. should also note that when i pull it back and it clicks, the trigger feels "rough", it doenst feel smooth like when it shoots.
- release trigger
- pull trigger again, and it shoots, slide goes back, loads in new bb. hammer is cocked, trigger back at armed position

So it's basically shooting every other time, and in between, it doenst seem to cock the hammer all the way back. so i put the stock hammer spring back on. and it doesnt do it as much, but it'll still do it every 6-10 shots. Does the same thing with duster or propane.

Any ideas? I'm guessing it could be either leaf spring of the sear, but i have no clue how to get to the sear.
My Arms:

Last edited by teddybear; April 25th, 2010 at 14:38..
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