To the smartasses with the LMGFY shit, the OP actually has a valid question: AK74 locaps/realcaps pretty much don't exist (STAR use to make some but they're discontinued).
Infractions handed out.
"Short filling" mags is annoying on the field when you're trying to reload quickly. I don't personally consider it an option.
The M.A.G. mags are next to impossible to take apart (glued together one-ish piece design) so not the best choice to mod, IMO.
What I did for some TM M4 locaps I wanted to make realcaps (34 rounds, actually, so all 30 would feed) was open them up and fill the "bottom" of the BB path with BBs (i.e., behind the spring). So there's 33 BBs that never come out. The mags are old and the springs were getting weak, so it's a double bonus.
Not many companies make AK74 mags to begin with and everyone who currently does has mid or highcaps. So what I plan on getting is G&P midcaps (150 rounds -- which look like they can be taken apart) and doing the same mod to bring them down to at least lowcap).