Thread: ehobby asia
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Old March 30th, 2010, 06:00   #7
chaosnemesis's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Toronto
ehobby does not use UPS. Even if they did, brokerage fees are always tacked on after it reaches the border and is never "included" in the initial shipping cost. Ordering a vest in Asia will result in a minimum 25 plus in shipping due to it's size and weight. Also, EA gear is sub par at best. I know it looks good and the price is tempting but it will NOT last very long. Also specs are off (MOLLE webbing is "about" an inch. sometimes a little small in areas sometimes a little loose) and stiching is poor. I've made the mistake of ordering a vest from them and the stitching is comming undone after only one season. since then i've only purchased flyye or pantac gear. It's a bit more expensive but it'll beat having to pay another 42.50 to ship a second vest to replace your crappy first.
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