March 29th, 2010, 17:46
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Toronto,Ontario
Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short
Donster did a pretty good job on explaining things. I'll just add :
Know your environment, if you're only on CQB or forest with a lot of narrow passages, don't take a full length one, it's a pain to use a fishing pole in these environments.
Remember also that there are many versions of M14 : classic, EBR, JAE, DMR (used USMC I think), and some other more or less weird kits. Nearly as much as for M4 actually.
On these also know that if you are really used to pistol grips (like me), it can be pretty rough on the wrist with old school stock (used an M14 JAE for one day, sharp pain for the week, sold it in no time and back to G36). If you're like this take something with pistol grip.
You should also know that M14 are not easy to modify or upgrade internally if you don't know how to dismount it beforehand. Understand that it is a bit tricky, not like a FAMAS (hate that one) but still.
If you think that may be a problem for you change for an AR15 type AEG (M16 and alike).
I honestly don't advice the M14 as a first replica, usually I go for G36 (sturdy and the most easy to modify of all) from SRC if you want Cansoft (great gearbox on gen 3) or, if you want the best, the ARES one (tried the last TM, nothing but an far over priced gizmo).
For M14 brands you have TM which will hold pretty well internally but the body (plastic) kinda lacks sturdiness.
I don't agree with Donster on some "TM clone" (sorry dude). The best M14, for me, are now build by CYMA. The gearbox is as sturdy as TM but the bodies are a lot better, even the plastic ones. The reason being that they used a more dense plastic and the bodies are a bit thicker.
CA could have been nice if they weren't that expensive.
ARES / STAR are good too, and they have some really uncommon models (I like the uncommon look) but they sometime have slight leaking issuesor lemons so I would not recommmend them for a first.
On the uncommon you have the M14 JAE from KART (or the ACM, they're the exact same I owned both of them) with is extremely nice on both internal and external features.
Ok done. Hope it will help
Thank you Too
"I'm Sorta a Big Deal in The Capital Wasteland"