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Old March 25th, 2010, 06:52   #103
Jbone 11 11
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
[QUOTE=jtf2-phalanx;1172036]I bought my first TM P228 springer back in '93 from a little store in Richmond. The salesperson told me hop-up was a harder spring (lol) QUOTE]

LOL!! That was my first gun too! Bought mine in '98 from King Soles on King St. in Toronto (RIP) along with a Ruger 85 p series, Colt Commander and a USP... which was metal, but not TM.
Mostly just ran around the farm plinking at my friends and stuff back then, but never thought much of them as they were springers. Got into Paint ball in a big way 3-4 years ago and kept seeing "airsoft" in my searches for Gun upgrades to my BT assault, which lead me to Ebaybanned.... which lead me to Redwolf... ect. I was about to sell off my painball kit when I got posted to Rome... then found a HUGE airsoft scene over here! Now I play almost every week...and my Italians never been better

As for ASC... thank google for that one. Needed some down home Airsoft advice and voila!
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