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Old March 23rd, 2010, 11:14   #1
CimmShark's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Under water lab being tested on, somewhere in Lake Ontario
Power to Punch / BB's vs Sheet Metal

Hey guys I'm designing a few targets/modules for testing/firing BB's into.

I know people love using the Pop can test and I've seen people write about punching holes through plasticard / polystyrene. But I'd like to know if anyone has been able to punch through sheet metal that has been thicker than a pop can.

If so the please post the thickness you've punched through aswell as the FPS you were getting at the time and the BB weight you were using at the time.

Basically I want to build target modules that are going to last and be functional. I don't want to design big hunking boxes made out of 0.5" Steel, they would weigh a ton and not be able to move around to different location very easily.

Also if any of you have tested on plasticard / polystyrene, let me know the thickness you've made it up to before it's punctured through.

Thanks for the input
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