Thread: Major dilemna
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Old March 21st, 2010, 13:32   #13
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Originally Posted by Trayne wr3ck View Post
Alrighty then. The consensus seem to be go full metal.

I've found a full metal G&G CQB-S for $390 with a highcap and battery but no charger. Am I better off going with this?
Yeah, just get a smart charger from an RC shop. Wall chargers are crap anyways and they're better off in the garbage. They can be from $30-100 or even more but a basic smart charger will extend the life of your batteries compared to charging with a "dumb" wall charger.

The gun itself isn't my cup of tea but if you like it then that's all that matters. However I do urge you to get a "higher quality" gun. Still it's all the same, some people game with JG's and others PTW's they both hit the same and have pretty much work on the same principles to shoot BB's anyways. It's not like just because I shoot you with a pistol you take less damage than if I shot you with a rifle. A BB is a BB is a BB, any type hit from a BB counts (except maybe throwing BB's at someone or shooting them with your lungs and a straw from McD's but even then that would be impressive).

I've actually gotten hit once by a $1 dollar store airsoft pistol when I was holed up in a "crack house" playing defend the bunker. Guy snuck around the back, I was waiting for someone, got a bit too testy and stuck my head out to see if there was anyone approaching then got shot as I poked my head out. It was still a hit.

If you're happy then go for it but I found that you'll always want something more. Keep in mind that here in Canada we preach getting the "best available" but in the US, UK and other places lots of people run around with JG's and other clones and it's not any better or worse of an experience.
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