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Old March 16th, 2010, 20:09   #9
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Originally Posted by Dragate View Post

BTW America changed their issue to multicam officially if you didn't know :P They were doing testing around Feb. The full change is gonna happen late summer this year.

Just to clear things up, "America" in general hasn't Adopted Multicam, Only the Army, Marines still have Marpat, Navy the NWU( Bluish color/AOR2/DCU for the normal navy , and AOR1 for the seals), and the Airforce still has the ABU, but I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the Colors to match Multicam, but that's just a guess.

And with the "test", according to the Original test, DAOB won(Multicam came in third), and I tend to believe that test more so then the newer one( late last year, early this year). I would like to see a company start making DAOB though, would love a set..

and just to actually add to the thread, i do like this Multiland.
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