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Old March 1st, 2010, 22:14   #7
Red Wine & Adderall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon, SK
I can totally understand wanting to keep a budget, but I respect that you understand that cost can be reflected by quality as well.

I dont know a whole heck of a lot about GBBR's minus a few bits here and there, nothing specifically useful. Mags can be expensive but that is one of the costs that one would have to soak up if they want that little extra bit of realism. GBBR's also suffer some performance loss during colder temperatures.

The two choices you have made for AEGs are excellent company picks. Both companies make excellent airsoft guns. Im sure you will be pleased with either company regardless your choice. AEG's make great guns as well, multiple companies make upgradeable parts and you can source magazines of all round capacity's with out much issue most of the time.

At this time was their a type of gun you wanted? Armalite? Scar?

As for the pistol from what I have heard its a decent quality full metal item, beautiful trades and uses 15rnd single stag mag. I wont bother reiterating everything because everything I have heard or read about it is on the internet. There are actually a couple of really in depth youtube reviews on it.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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