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Old March 1st, 2010, 20:43   #49
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
The RCMP changed the classification of the Norinco Type 97 to prohibited after a team of techs and machine shop managed to make it full-auto. If they could spend thousands of dollars to make a GBBR fire 1 round even 1 time with an unmlimited assortment of parts (damage to gun or shooter is irrelevant), well, consider it prohibited (because we all know it's already illegal).
Since the ATF talking head wasn't forthcoming with any really useful information, perhaps the bullet that was allegedly fired successfully with only a 'minor modification' to the rifle was not a 5.56x45 at all? Perhaps their expert gunsmiths with unlimited resources somehow managed to replace enough parts (barrel, trigger pack, bolt & carrier, etc.) to get it to fire a .22LR at least once without breaking and that's apparently good enough for government work?

FWIW, the airsoft store owner should file a FOIA request immediately and seek a court injuction preventing the destruction of his shipment while its status is being contested. Failing that, at least take the ATF to court for damages should the FOIA request show the 'modifications' to be bogus or way beyond what's considered reasonable -- ie. having to replace everything but the pistol grip before it will chamber and fire a round.

So much for just enforcing the laws as is their ONLY mandate, now the civil-servants of the ATF instead of elected officials are making up new ones as they go along. Sound familiar anyone...?


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