Boot recomendation.
Hey, I was just looking at multiple types of combat boots available and I was wondering if somebody could give me some insight. I'd like to wear these for airsoft AND hiking if possible and having a high-top boot is important too me. I've been wearing Canadian combat boots for a while and I just know there's got to be better.
When I refer to Hiking I mean like 4-5 day journeys with alot of weight and with any weather a possiblity, So that makes me worry about some of the "breathable" boots not being suitable if it were to rain and get sloppy out.
So a recap of what I'm looking for :
Lighter then CF boots
Equal (or more) ankle protection
Atleast waterproof enough to not worry about having wet feet for 4 days.
Originally Posted by TheAngrySniper
Simultaneous climax makes me warm and fuzzy all over