Is the 16 inch for the L119A1 barrel exclusively? Most M4 length outter barrels are 14.5 inch. the CQBR Length being 10.5 inches. (According to the manufacturers anyways, i dont ever actually measure them lol) I think ill hit the Steel one from Huang's, While the aluminum is lighter, the finishing on it looks cheap + painted. Huangs kinda looks more anodized. Can anyone verify this?
Pity the Triads fell through. Woulda loved getting one
Edit : Huang doesnt seem to have any on his page as in stock anymore, and dragonred no longer stocks them. Looks like im stuck with the pro arms one.
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Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns
Last edited by DarkAngel; February 21st, 2010 at 00:57..