My biggest concern about gas rifles was that regardless which you bought at what price, you always needed to upgrade a bunch of parts to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of dollars in order to get the gun reliable enough to field and to reduce the velocity down to field-legal numbers. I had been tempted for a long time by the gas monster, but resisted, because I didn't want to HAVE to mess with the gun.
However, now I think there are viable alternatives that will perform reasonably well out of the box, or with only minimal work required. I don't know if there will ever be an "ideal time" to make the switch from electric to gas, but now is a good time to take a good look at the offerings.
I, for one, decided it WAS time for me to take a leap. And I decided if I was to do it, I was going to do it right and go all out with the "no tomfoolery required model". I grabbed up an Inokatsu M4 SOPMOD Super version. You start off with a real-steel grade receiver, all steel internals, and field legal velocity out of the box. Expensive? Damn straight it is. But it's what I've been waiting for, and it's finally here. I'm sure I'll be upgrading it and modding it in the future just as I have with all my AEGs, but the key feature here is that I don't HAVE to and can use it as-is.
So now I play the waiting game and wait for it to arrive.