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Old February 2nd, 2010, 14:28   #17
KoolAidMan's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Toronto,Ontario
if you wan't reliability and not having to worry about replacement parts and wan't to game go with The kjw m4's if you wan't an m4.the parts to adjust the fps are realy cheap as well 20-30$

If you don't mind a few things crapping out get a wetti , but apparently they have moved factories to improve quality on there HK416,PDW ect line. i odered a hk416 but they went out of stock so i couldn't get it

or you could wait an unknown amount of time for possible vapour ware VFC , KWA , ect

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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