You know where a good place to go is:
Arnies Airsoft. They probably can offer better information for your situation than we can offer you (as we *are* airsoft CANADA). BUT this site will become useful once you get back to Canada.
ANYWAYS. If you're planning on coming back to Canada then you'll want resellability so that you can cover back as much cost as you can. So if you buy a cheap clone, you might be able to get some money back but then again the gun might deprecate in value quite quickly so it's really your choice however if it was me I would go for a cheap clone for a few years and sell it before going back to Canada. If you're planning on staying like 5 years or something it might be worth it to invest in a higher quality gun like TM cause then it will last and hopefully since it's a major brand name the deprecation isn't as much. But really it's your choice.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew