400$ for your gear, asside from your AEG won't be enough unless you already have some gear.
You want to play with a lot of mags. Unless you play with 1 or 2 hicap (gay), you will need at least 5 lowcaps and ideally 10. At around 25-30$ if you are lucky, or up to 60$ a mag, you make the addition.
You will need a rig to carry all your stuff. If you go modular, prepair to pay at least 20$/pouche.
60-100$ will go to your ballistic glasses or gogles. 100-150$ to your BDU. 100$+ on your boots.
You can get a good basic kit for 1000$, but I'd go used in order to have a milsim ready kit.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne