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Old January 5th, 2010, 13:43   #1
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Question "High-capactiy" 1911 magazines (Wilson Combat style)

Hi all,

I've always been a fan of the hi-capacity Wilson Combat 1911 magazines.

Picture for reference:

I've been thinking about making a limited run of these mags to be compatible with the Tokyo Marui 1911A1/MEU series GBB pistols, and their clones.

In order to make this a reality, I need to know there is enough interest for these mags, and I also am looking for a like-minded individual who can assist with plastics molding for the base-plate of these mags. If you are that individual, please email me at

I should note that these will not drastically increase the capacity of the mag, maybe only 10 rounds max - and that's also subject to gas consumption. These mags would likely be for "looks" and the sexy-factor.

So, what say you? Yay? Or nay?

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