GBBR are not for everyone
but those who like them .... like a lot of them..
I've fielded mine several times.. and it works flawlessly and was a nail driver.
trigger response is just so crisp.. And the RS dimensions and operation ... like a walk down a familiar path.
I can get 30 rounds within 15 cm circle at 75 feet from standing position.. not as good as my best AEGs but certainly effective for mansized out to the effective range of the gun.
For CQB.. with all targets within 15 m ... I don't miss and that instant trigger response reduces target fade away...
Frankly all my AEGs are like ugly sisters to my WETTI AWSS M4
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite