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Old December 30th, 2009, 20:04   #17
voorhees -FWA-
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Don't buy the ICS M4 Carbine...

WEAK piston body; 2 brand new bodies failed in under 5 days of use... now using a Modify Polycarb body...

SHITTY gears, blown Sector Gear after upgrading to an ICS upgraded Upper gear box... Bevel gear failed the first time out, the metal gear that's pressed into the Bevel gear that sping the Spur gear spun out... Now using 300% torque up Gears...

SHITTY aluminum ICS piston body... *SIGH*

After a lot of upgrade parts and frustration the M4 now works like a champ... it all depends on what you're will to spend with this rifle right out of the box...

I recomend the KWA KM4A1...
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