Originally Posted by Sequential
Heard it's really reliable, and through reviews that thing looks like the closest thing to realsteel we can get! If its just under 2000$ then it is alright. Hope to see more reviews about it in the near future!
lol, it may be forge some people at GGI has reported that the forge makes ugly marks...that are not found on AR-15
Honestly, I still won't go with a Ino...why? I can make a GBBR cheaper with prime receiver yet with like RA-Tech NPAS BCG set and easily adjustable hopup, the Ino has the internal one which takes approx 10 min to disassemble and reassemble with TOOLS. Seriously guys, 2k....get a prime and you can get 2 WA M4 CQBR mags with it...whereas Ino..your stuck with a gun only.