Thread: 2009 kwa m4
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Old December 9th, 2009, 09:18   #15
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
For those of you that are being all self righteous... it`s also illegal to speed (breaking the law). You can`t tell me you haven`t gone at least one KM or more over the speed this week when driving. Sure they don`t give you a ticket unless you go 10km hr or more over the speed limit and if you get caught in the first place. It`s all about where your grey area is and what risks you are willing to take. Breaking the law is breaking the law so everyone is in the same boat. Just pick your fights and be willing to deal with the consequences.

Seeing as no one is answering my question on the M4 I`ll end all questions on this thread... thanks for your input guys and gals...
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